by Benjamin W. Kim
I'll make you retire in 5 years
"Thanks to Benjamin, my account has doubled even in a bear market where everyone loses."
"Thanks to Benjamin, I achieved a 1,200% return even in the first month of my introductory trading.
Professional Trading Coach
I’ve been the No.1 trading coach since 2018 and I'm running a prop trading company in South Korea.
I also wrote a book named Wave Energy Theory which shows you how I solve the limitation of Elliott Wave Theory.
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Free PDF
"Wave Energy Theory"
by benjamin kim
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Korean YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxQdHAim3q0qzfo3yKojZ8w
What is Wave Energy Theory?
Elliott said that he had established a theory about the width and length of a wave, but not the content of time.
This theory has solved this problem of the Elliott Wave Theory.
This is the theory made by Benjamin W. Kim and designed to predict the future trend of the market.
This theory will definitely increase your market trend prediction rate.
I was curious if Wave Energy Theory really work in stock market?
When I read the book of Wave Energy Theory, I realized it is based on advanced technical analysis.
I think this theory is a gun and whoever shoots a good gun should practice.
I'll make this theory mine by studying it.
While trading, I felt the needs to study. So, I bought the Wave Energy Theory PDF.
So far I have had a lot of questions about the wave.
But after reading the PDF, I was grateful that he explained it in an easy-to-understand way.
Now I'm able to understand well how to analyze the moving average and how to analyze the indicators.
Before this, I was nervous if I didn't make a profit right away after I bought the stock. But now I'm calmed when trading, and I'm satisfied that it has led to profits.
Thank you again for giving me access to Wave Energy Theory.
In fact, I didn't believe it at first. I have purchased various lectures on investment. I believed that these were good, but I gave up quickly if there were something that was not applied well in the practical trading.
However, in the case of Wave Energy Theory, not to mention the basic content covered in most investment books, I felt that the author's valuable know-how was included.